A Glitter Jar of Feelings:
Finding the Calm Within

Can calming big feelings be as simple as watching glitter fall?

When a young girl's rainbow of emotions swirls into a dark, overwhelming storm, she learns peacefulness is only a breath away.


Praise for A Glitter Jar of Feelings

“A delightful and meaningful tale, guiding children through the process of understanding and managing their emotions using the calming power of a glitter jar.”

– Jacqueline Yeats, Director of Mindful and Co. Kids

“A beautifully illustrated, gentle guide for children to understand and manage their emotions. Through vibrant metaphors and calming visuals, it introduces young readers to the idea of observing feelings like swirling glitter in a jar—acknowledging each emotion without judgement. Perfect for helping kids develop self-awareness and emotional regulation, this book is a wonderful tool for parents to use in teaching mindfulness and self-soothing skills.”

– Alexandra Eidens, Founder and CEO, Big Life Journal

“To be human is to experience emotions, and it is our job as parents, teachers, and professionals to guide our world’s children in learning how to recognize, name, and process how they feel. This experiential story empowers children to understand how their emotions feel inside of them as well as what they may be telling them. The metaphor of the glitter jar provides an anchor so that when even mixed up and heavy feelings start swirling, children can feel grounded and safe.”

– Christina Furnival, LPCC, Mom of 3, and Author of The Not-So-Friendly Friend, Fear Not!, and My Brilliant, Resilient Mind